Assalamu'alaikum wr wb ^__^
This following sentences was inspired me in this beautiful morning...I took it from 'akeelah and the bee' movie. Have you ever watched it?
Let's check this out,Have you found it in yours?
I have found it..and May you could find it too^^
'OUR DEEPEST FEAR IS NOT OUR INADEQUATE...OUR DEEPEST FEAR IS THAT WE ARE POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE. We ask Ourselves 'WHO AM I' be Brilliant,Gorgeous,Talented and Fabulous? Actually 'who are you not to be.'
You know that feeling when everything feels right? Where you don't have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday..But you feel safe and know you're doing the best you can..There's a word for that feeling..It's called love...
' L-O-V-E '
For me...
Love is not only for the person I'm happy with,not only for everything I loved in,not only for something I need it..But a love is also for everything that given by my Lord...May it come from to make me sad,pathetic,or something like that...But truly deeply on the other hand, Lord always give me the best,wheteher I ask Lord or not...Lord always give me the best...
'Rodhitubillahi Rabban wabil Islami diinan wabimuhammadinnabiyya warasula'...Allah-ku jadikan hambamu ini hamba yang selalu bersyukur terhadap rahmatmu,terhadap ketetapan-ketetapanmu dan terhadap ujian-ujianmu sebagai bentuk kasih sayangmu kepada hamba. Bawa jiwa dan raga hamba untuk selalu berprasangka baik terhadap hadiah yang Allah siapkan dibalik semua pengharapan hamba. Aamiin ^^
Love you all,
-backsound :the definition of true love-
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Ide Menu Bekal Mingguan (2)
4 hours ago
Amin, akhirnya balik juga...
aku juga setuju, cinta tidak hanya pada perasaan suka kita terhadap seseorang atau sesuatu yang lain. Tapi apa yang ada sekarang juga wujud dari cinta Allah Swt. kepada kita semua ^^
amin......lov u too Kak
tak ada kehidupan yang indah tanpa didasari cinta. cinta itu semangat, semangat yg menguatkan dan membearkan jiwa yg sedih. salam kenal!