Hmm,wanna see some picts about Nanny's Pavillon with Dining room's theme @ Riau street,Bandung...
Here we go...
Nanannana,next destination is 'Pasta de Waraku'...Hopefully can go there with Mr.Mie,hohohoho..
Taste: Standard
Atmosphere: So Cozy
Nowadays, restaurant not only a place where foods are serve,but now..Restaurant should be the place where cutomers can enjoy everything inside. The room, the view,and their brand....And it's called..Smart Marketing System.
Can we make the same way to introduce our Nasi Padang, Gudeg, Mie Aceh, etc to the world?
Hopefully Yes...^___^
We can if we think we can,right?..
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1 day ago
Hmm,,jadi pngin nih,.mantep buat makan mlam nih..
hohoho, looks yum! the place also looks comfort.
but noodle for dinner? ohh, i can't! :p
*ujung2nya pengen ML! alias Makan Larut!* >,<
wuuuaaaaaaaaaaaah gak tahaaaaaaaaaaan gak tahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan....
Oh Sang Magrib, datang lebih cepat dooooong
We can find traditional culiner in hotels or some restaurant - forget the name - in Jakarta. Something like food festival as theme of restaurant. Faraway from my type, I enjoy small warung gudeg near me. t's yummy and only 6000.
hwaaaaaaaaaa,,,jadi lapeeeeeeeer.....
wah,biasanya giler liat posting makanan,ini gue gak tertarik karena gak suka ,hehe..juga gak punya uang,maklum anak kos...
aduh, pastanya itu.. menggoda pisan euy!
mau doonk dibayarin *plaak
slurpyyyy... wafelnya nampak enyak yaa :)
sepp,,akhirnya bisa koment,,,wah jadi pingin perut nangis nih pingin melahabnya mulai kemaren...